The Six Stages of Survey Projects

Surveys go through six main stages:

(1) Business Issue / Needs Analysis
  What are you trying to understand, change or decide—and how will a survey contribute?
(2) Questionnaire Development
  Translating the business issue to a reasonable number of questions and the best data scales. More...
(3) Survey Distribution
  Distributing paper surveys or launching Web forms. More...
(4) Data Handling
  Both data collection, such as from scannable or keypunched surveys, and also data cleaning to check for invalid responses or code comments for reports. More...
(5) Reporting & Analysis
  Crunching the data in tables or graphs, as well as breaking down results for different time periods, divisions, demographics, etc. More...
(6) Business Recommendations
  Returning to stage one, making the decision or determining changes to make in your organization.

I specialize in survey methodology for a wide range of projects, primarily through stages 2 to 5. Sometimes projects span all those steps, but often clients are looking for help with just one or two pieces. I also do recovery work when projects hit a snag.

Need a Hand?

A little help can add a lot of polish—or just save hours and headaches:

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Ann worked with us on an accelerated project... helping us ‘soup to nuts’ in defining our research objectives, methodology, survey design and ‘out of the box’ survey promotion ideas. She was a very fast learn, interacted beautifully with our client, and truly delivered on all commitments... exceeding expectations in a very short time period.

Bruce Scheer
Partner, CMO