Reporting & Analysis

Your reports are the final product for your client or management: professional, complete, and clear.

For some clients, the final report is 5 pages of straightforward tabulations.

For others, it's 209 divisional reports totaling 3,135 pages, plus the executive view of course. (That one was an add-on request from a VP—just two hours from request to delivery!)

Reporting Possibilities

  • Graphical and tabular reports
  • Individual perspectives such as comments from respondents requesting follow-up
  • Breakdowns by one or more fields, both as cross-tabulations (pivot tables) and filtered results
  • Scoring for performance indices or testing
  • Sample weighting
  • Reports by division, region, 360 evaluatee, instructor, etc.—including comparisons to the organization overall
  • Trends over time (longitudinal analysis)
  • Periodic report updates
  • Real-time reports for Web surveys
  • Secure access for individuals to log in and download their personal results
  • Logos and customized color palettes
  • Final files in PDF, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, HTML, or SurveyPro formats

Need a Hand?

A little help can add a lot of polish—or just save hours and headaches:

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Thanks so much for such a terrific training class. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot. Most importantly, I've got a lot more confidence now in using SurveyPro.

Thomas Hier
Biddison Hier