Questionnaire Design, Editing & Distribution

I've had clients send me the e-mail equivalent of a Post-it note as their survey draft.

Others are all set with a fully revised (and approved!) questionnaire, ready for its Web setup.

In one case, the project was reconciling two surveys: the board members' and consultant's.

Survey Content

  • Better fit your business issue
  • Clarify wording
  • Select data scales (Agreement, 1-5, etc.)
  • Align with your target population
  • Increase response rates
  • Architect multiple survey projects
  • Streamline for administration and analysis

Polished Designs

  • Style match your (or your client's) documents
  • Increase ease of use for respondents
  • Scannable forms
  • Tailor for different media or devices
  • Printable "Worksheet" versions for data intensive Web surveys (salary, audit, etc.)
  • Custom templates to jump-start your future projects

Web Surveys

  • Skip coding for conditional content
  • Data validation for ease of management and maximum completions
  • Pop-up definitions for job descriptions, jargon, etc.
  • Custom JavaScript, ASP, or PHP
  • Portals for multiple survey projects such as 360 evaluations
  • Handshakes with respondent panel vendors
  • Web survey launches and invitations

Whether your questionnaire is all you want taken care of, or part of a larger project, we’ll get it tuned up and on its way!

Need a Hand?

A little help can add a lot of polish—or just save hours and headaches:

(206) 399-2344 Download VCard LinkedIn Profile

The course was very well received. Ann in one word is phenomenal. Please thank her again for all her hard work and of course patience. Amazing woman.

Marian Slobodian
Statistics Canada