Recovery & Repair
You plan. You test. And still, sometimes projects hit a snag.
Sometimes it wasn't even a wrong step, simply a change of plans which now requires re-thinking your strategies.
Typical recovery projects include:
- Backing you up when the project scope grows outside your usual arena
- Working around missing questions
- Restructuring answers for easier analysis
- Leisurely or emergency Web survey repairs and relocations
- Melding multiple surveys into a cohesive project
- Reconstructing projects where you have bits and pieces such as raw data and report printouts, but not the main file
- Correcting flawed reports
- Untangling projects whose creators are no longer available
During a recovery I have a tight focus:
- Maximizing data integrity and confidence
- Minimizing respondent confusion and disruption
- Maintaining project timelines
Need a Hand?
A little help can add a lot of polish—or just save hours and headaches:

I rely on Query Group for prompt, accurate turnaround of my reporting projects. Being able to call on Ann lets me take on projects when my full time staff is already busy.
Ron Morris
Feedback Systems